Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Koenigsegg at Universal Autosports

Christain von Koenigsegg came to visit us the week before we brought the CCX to the World Class Driving event in Florida. It was a great pleasure to meet the man behind this amazing automobile. He’s very personable. He’s obviously very knowledgeable, but he also asks questions and is genuinely interested in the knowledge that we’ve gained about his own car. We had a lot of input for him, and working with him to adequately prep the car was like a dream come true. While new to America, Koenigsegg has been around for over a decade. But even still, Christain is very passionate about every example that has left his factory. He tended to the CCX that we have here like it was his own child. He’s very animated when talking – or listening to us talk – about this car. Anyone can see that he’s put his heart and soul into the car that bears his name.

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