Friday, March 20, 2009

For sale: 1996 Porsche 993 Turbo


I don't know about you, but I don't like the taste of sauerkraut. Whether it's on hot dogs or garnishing other pork meats, it just doesn't do it for me. That, and I'd probably burn a hole through my lederhosen. Which reminds me! I wouldn't be caught dead in those leather, skin-tight britches! In my opinion, the Germans really struck out with those two.

But when it comes to cars, they hit nothing but home runs...

Germans are widely regarded as a no-nonsense, humorless people. But as stereotypical as that may be, it describes the Porsche 993 Turbo to the letter. The twin turbo, AWD, rear-mounted, flat six, 3.6-liter is no joke! There is a fine line between high performance and flat-out crazy, and the 993 Turbo irreverently scoffs that line in a sideways drift, complete with aggressively-spooling turbos.

The example seen here is liveried in Grand Prix Weiss with Classic Grey leather, and features an in-dash phone for those seeking nostalgia. The black wheels contrast the model's standard red calipers. A fresh service and a new clutch complement the car's eagerness to demonstrate its own capabilities.

Interested parties are invited to call and inquire, or simply visit our showroom at your convenience. Have a look, go for a test drive, revel in the business end of swinging out this car's business end. But be forewarned: this car is not a toy. Amateur fahrer need not apply.

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