Friday, May 22, 2009

For sale: 2009 Confederate B120 Wraith

The brilliance behind Confederate's Wraith is, depending on who you ask, one of many things. Some say the bike's sheer beauty is its complete lack of purposely-aestheticized form. Others contend that the bike's visible down-to-business demeanor compel it as awe-striking to all who would gaze upon it.

The Wraith weighs in at under 400 pounds - another facet to which some attribute its genius - and puts down 120 horsepower and 135 foot-pounds of torque. From those facts you can conclude your own numbers - because the Wraith cannot be explained in mere performance details.

A wraith is a visible spirit; an apparition of a living entity whose appearance portends its very death. It is, indeed, a name befitting such a spectacle of a motorcycle. The B120 is a naked skeleton of a bike. Its lack of body panels, curvy molds and superfluous paint job draw scrutiny and shock from all and sundry whose unsuspecting, unprepared vision struggle to fathom how such a masterpiece came to be.

You do not inquire about the Wraith; you see it and it possesses you. You demand it and revel in the images it conjures - speeding away, leaving a trail of fiery Armageddon in your wake. Your mind warps rationale until you've deciphered the combination of means required to obtain it. You must have this bike.

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