Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pretty GM Incentives, Ready to Buy New GM Cars

If you are not afraid of the buying a vehicle from the GM then you might be able to snag some pretty good deals. GM head honcho Fritz Henderson stated at a press conference recently, that the company is still selling vehicles although it is in the throes of a reorganization.

"We look forward to the chance to win your business," Henderson said, speaking directly to customers. "The GM that you know, and the GM that let many of you down is history."

If you’re a savvy shopper and have got the gift of gab, you might be able to snatch up some pretty descent buys.

If you like ‘em big, there are ’09 humvees, H2 and H3 with rebates that range from $2,000 to $5,000.

Chevy SUV’s like the Trailblazer and Silverado are $3,000 less than the asking price.

Like Caddies? Does a $4,500 incentive on an XLR and XLR-V tickle your fancy? Prefer an STS, CTS or Sclade (Escalade), check out the hot deals on them as well.

If you are not trying to keep up with the Joneses and are good with an ’08 model, then there are deals aplenty on these. Enticing deals like $8,500 cash allowance on a Sclade, the XLR and XLR-V.

The cash allowances for the H2 is $8,000 and for the H3, $7,000.

The Colorado will be $4,250 less and the Impala will have a $3,250 discount.

A Saab lover? They are practically being given away with cash allowances of $6,500 to $10,000.

Like ‘em small and sporty, you can put an ‘08 Vette in your garage for less than $2,000 off the asking price.

These deals depend on what state you live in and of course, there are stipulations, so…do your homework first.

Nothing lasts forever, so make sure you check out the expiration dates of these offers. If you’re game, you might want to act quickly!

Ready, set…dash!

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